Membership of the Association
Membership consists following categories:
a) Ordinary Members
Ordinary members who shall be all former students of the KTAR whose names officially appear in the enrolment register of TARC and who have completed at least two (2) semesters of continuous study at TARC.
b) Honorary Members
Such membership shall be conferred on persons who have been of service to the College or the Association. Such conferment shall be subject to the approval and a resolution passed in general meeting by a simple majority of the members present and voting. Honorary members shall have the same privileges and benefits of ordinary members except the right to vote at all meetings or to hold office in the Association. Honorary members are exempted from any payment of fees.
All alumni of KTAR who wish to join as members of the association shall submit an application in the prescribed form to the General Secretary, who shall, at the first convenient opportunity, submit it to the Executive Council for approval. The Executive Council may at its discretion reject any application without assigning reason thereof.
Privileges of Membership
Ordinary members shall:
a) have the right to stand, nominate or second candidates for election and to vote in the elections subject to the relevant Articles;
b) have the right to speak and vote at all meetings of the Association;
c) have the right to participate in the activities of the Association and use the facilities provided;
d) have the right to inspect the Association’s records subject to one week’s written notice of such request being given to the General Secretary;
e) have any other privileges and benefits as the Executive Council may direct from time to time.
Cessation of Membership
A member shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association if the member:
a) becomes bankrupt or mentally insane or dies; or
b) is found to be criminally convicted within the last five years; or
c) resigns.
Restrictions & Prohibitions
The following restrictions and prohibitions apply to the Association and its members:
a) Gambling and immoral activities in any form shall be strictly prohibited in the premises of the Association.
b) The Association shall not hold any lottery whether confined only to its members or not, in the name of the Association or its Executive Council or the members unless a licence has been obtained from the proper authority.
c) All members of the Executive Council and every officer performing executive functions in the Association shall be Malaysian citizens.
d) No member shall make any press statement without the prior approval of the Executive Council.
e) The Association is prohibited from having any political affiliation or connection outside Malaysia.
f) The Association shall not support or participate in any activities of any political establishment in and outside Malaysia.