Our Mission

The Mission Statement of the Association shall be: “Propagating the ideals, tradition and good name of our Alma Mater through the unity, excellence and devotion of her alumna”.

Our Vision

The Vision Statement of the Association is: “Solidarity in the service of our community”.

Our Aims & Objectives

The aims and objectives of the Association are as follows:

• To provide a platform or a forum for all members who are the alumni of KTAR to congregate, unite, and pursue their common interests under the flagship of a singular umbrella organisation duly registered under the provisions of the Societies Act, 1966.

• To create and promote a sense of belonging as well as unity, solidarity, integration, fellowship, goodwill and mutual aid amongst ex-students of KTAR.

• To co-ordinate or promote activities that will involve students and authorities of KTAR and its members.

• To promote friendship and rapport amongst all its members, render any assistance and help to settle disputes or differences affecting the members’ interests in a fair and just manner, wherever called upon to do so by the parties concerned.

• To stimulate and promote co-operation and networking activities amongst all its members.

• To provide opportunities and facilities for and to promote the advancement of education and research in all fields of study and interest amongst members.

• To perform and organise educational, cultural, social, sporting, recreational, charitable, humanitarian and mutual aid activities/projects/programmers.

• To promote a spirit of unity and pride of citizenship towards the nation as well as good relationship amongst the members of the Association.

• To co-operate with KTAR to promote and safeguard the respective interests and welfare of all its members.

• To serve as a recognised means of communication between the Association, its members, KTAR and other institutions of learning and the general public.

• To disseminate information concerning KTAR and the Association and their activities or projects through press, publications and other media advertisements/broadcasts to members with prior approval of the parties and authorities concerned.

• To provide opportunities and facilities for education, networking and social functions and interaction between members of the Association.

• To undertake and execute any trust which may seem to the Association to be beneficial or conducive to any of its objects and to collect, receive and hold funds and other property, voluntary contributions, subscriptions, special donations, gifts and legacies for pursuing the objectives of the Association or any of them as the donor may direct.

• To determine, revise, collect and receive such entrance fees, subscriptions and contributions of and to raise any money that may be required for the purpose of the Association and to secure payment of money raised on such terms and on such security as may be deemed advisable.

• To sell, improve, manage, develop, lease, mortgage, dispose or turn to account, or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Association.

• To invest the moneys of the Association not immediately required for the purposes of the Association in securities or properties (movable or immovable) as may be thought fit and proper.

• Generally, to do all such lawful acts and things not enumerated in the preceding Sub-Articles for the interest and well-being of the Association and/or its members.